Monday, June 15, 2009

The Surreal World of Salvador Dali

Before you read this post, let’s do a small exercise. What does come to your mind when the words “Salvador Dali” are mentioned? What do you know about his life and his artwork? Think about it for only 30 seconds!

This post is based on a non-fiction book called “Dali and I”, written by Stan Laurysses.

Back in the seventies, SL was an “ordinary” man living in Belgium: he worked in a cheese factory, making holes in wheels in Emmentaler cheese - how ordinary is that?!?!?! One day, he got call from the Antwerp’s weekly Panorama magazine offering him a job switch. They wanted Stan to be the weekly correspondent in Hollywood and boost Panorama’s circulation by interviewing beautiful movie faces. There was only a small issue: there were no funds available to send him to California – so, when he accepted the new challenge, all he was given was a desk, a chair and a typewriter.

Stan started fabricating “live” interviews and after a few years doing so, he came up with the idea of Dali helping Walt Disney to create the most scandalous animated porn cartoon ever. Sales skyrocketed and our boy got another unexpected phone call: the president of a multimillion-dollar company invited him to lead the fine art-investment branch of his company. “Why me? I don’t know anything about art!” – Stan asked his then future boss. And the answer was: “You know Salvador Dali”!

SL’s new job was basically to buy Dali’s artwork all over the world and to sell them as an art investment to very rich people. Every painting he bought was an opportunity for him to become closer and to investigate Dali’s world, personally and professionally.

Dali was a weird and unpredictable man, never bathed or showered and sprayed jasmine eau de cologne behind each ear to stop the stench of his continuous farting. He often organized planned to detail sex circus (also know as ballet of passion). If he couldn’t satisfy his voyeuristic impulses, he wasn’t able to work. Among his guests were gay and straight catwalk stars, Vietnam veterans, dwarfs, hermaphrodites and living lobsters (heaps of them). Guests were not allowed to use the bathroom. Can you imagine what did his swimming pool look like?

His museum in Figueres (Spain) contains, according to his founder, only 25% of genuine genuine work. Among the rest, 25% is fake genuine and 50% is fake fake. Dali and his businessmen knew that, for a certain period of time, the world was hungry for his art. They then became money-making machines selling countless works that were signed by Dali but painted or printed indeed by artists or art dealers – all hired by Dali himself. During the early seventies, there were four different artists working together for him. Is this surreal enough for you? :-P

Now that you know a little bit more about the world art, can anyone tell me who made this painting?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I guess I’m looking for a brand new place….

I have never been a person who enjoys reading. For more than 30 years I have spend my spare time playing sports, watching movies, hanging around with friends. I am person who likes learning from observing and from other people’s experience. I’m a absolutely “hands-on” type of person, the one who says and “let’s do it and let’s do it now”! Yes, I am an ESTJ (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, for those who are familiar with that)….

But since December 2008 I have started reading and I’m currently reading a lot, maybe because I have more spare time, maybe because I have been reading books that were really interesting. Or maybe because I have realized that they are indeed a source of culture…what a late realization! Well, “prima mai che tardi”, as the Italian saying points out. One of the interesting books I have read is “The Weather Makers” by Tim Flannery. The author has published over a dozen books, spent a year teaching at Harvard and was named Australian of the year in 2007. The book is about the history and future impact of climate change.

There are so many interesting points that I want to share with you, my dear readers, that I won’t be able to do in only one post. I will try to do it in a soft and not scaring way (although the subject itself is really scaring). In this particular post I want to share that, from a climate change perspective, there’s a big difference between using gas or coal to power an economy. The next 2 paragraphs were extracted from the book…

“Because carbon causes climate change, the more carbon-rich a fuel is, the more danger it presents to humanity’s future. Black coal, for example, is almost pure carbon. Fuels derived from oil are less carbon rich, containing 2 hydrogen atoms for every one of carbon in their structure. Because hydrogen is a source of energy, which produces more heat when burned than carbon, burning oil releases less CO2 per unit than coal.

The efficiency with which power is generated by burning a fuel is also an important factor in determining how much CO2 is produced. Even using the most advanced methods (and most coal-fired power plants come nowhere near this), burning anthracite to generate electricity results in 67 more CO2 emissions thank does methane, while brown coal produces 130 per cent more.“

Getting things worse, Australia is the world’s largest exporter of coal and has the highest per capita greenhouse emissions of any industrialized country (25 per cent higher than U.S.).

Despite these sad facts, I’m still in love with this lovely country, just the way it is. Every country has room for improvement, am I right? And the title of this post refers to a song called “Spaceman” by 4 Non Blonds. It’s an old song that I’m learning to play. Hopefully, we won’t have to move to the space…

Monday, May 4, 2009

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

2008 was very difficult year for me, I had so many problems to face and not enough wisdom to deal with them. I was also very very busy. These were probably the main reasons that prevented me from posting here. But, I'm back!

My dear friend Debora got married on April 2008 and I was in charge of taking pictures of the wedding ceremony. It took place at the Royal Botanic Gardens, a lovely park in the middle of the city.

Debora and I met in July 2007 at Sydney Uni and become close friends since then. I call her "Rita Lee" because she looks like her (a very popular Brazilian singer) and also because Debora can sing and play acoustic guitar. She's open-minded, easy going and always has a smile in her face. She's calm and patient and I have been learning a lot from her. And yes, she's Brazilian!

Mark and Debora met, fell in love and got married in less than one year. So, if you have lost your faith in love, men (or women) and think that you will never find the right person for you, you might be wrong! Have you ever tried the Internet?

A small sample of the photos can be seen here:

Kisses from X.O. :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reveillon 2008/2009 aqui na Austrália! Todos convidados!


Com aquele já conhecido dom de reunir pessoas, estou dando início a organização do Reveillon 2008/ 2009 na Austrália. Antes de sair do Brasil eu comentei com várias pessoas sobre essa idéia e, finalmente, estou dando os primeiros passos para colocá-la em prática.

Alguns pontos de partida:

- Eu vou estar na Austrália até a data do reveillon; posso não estar mais em Sydney (caso eu arrume um emprego em outra cidade australiana) mas deste país nao devo sair tão cedo, se tudo acontecer como eu sonho;

- Os vôos de ida e volta são um tanto longos e cansativos e podem ser encontrados por US$ 1500 - US$ 1800, dependendo de vários fatores; além disso, o país é gigantesco; assim, eu sugiro que quem resolva vir tenha pelo menos 15 dias disponíveis; quem tiver 3 semanas, melhor ainda!!

- Ainda sobre os bilhetes, comprá-los com antecedendia tem várias vantagens. A primeira é que os preços são mais baixos; a segunda é que comprar antes significa começar a pagar antes, o que pode ser bem conveniente. Por último, com os bilhetes comprados, dificilmente alguém vai furar!! Não?!!?!?

- Um roteiro inicial que eu imaginei foi o seguinte:

25-Dez-08: saída da origem (Brasil ou qq outro lugar do mundo)
27-Dez-08: chegada a Sydney - embarque para região de Cairns (barreira de corais)
30-Dez-08: embarque para a região de Byron Bay (Gold Coast)
6-Jan-08: embarque para Sydney
9-Jan-08: volta para origem (Brasil ou qq outro lugar do mundo)

Minha idéia é ficarmos em albergue ou pousada em Cairns e alugar uma casa por uma semana em Byron Bay. Passar a virada com amigos em uma praia perfeita não seria mal, né?!?!?

- Até este momento, as pessoas que mais provavelmente venham são: meninas do basquete (Camilla, Joana, Lilian, H20); meninos da Naval (Gu Jacob, Luciano (Aninha), Luque); meninas da balada: Lu Schneider e Normalu. Novamente, estão todos convidados, nós não somos uma panela! Não preciso nem falar que quanto mais gente, melhor!

- Por fim, queria que quem estivesse pouco ou muito interessado me mandasse um email ou colocasse um comentário nesse post, a qualquer momento: hoje, semana que vem, mês que vem! Vou criar um grupo com os interessados e quem quiser ou sair do grupo é só me avisar...

E, por falar em reveillon, adivinhem quem passou a virada do ano aqui comigo, assistindo aos fogos de Sydney?? Meu queridíssimo amigo italiana Dario, esse figura que está bem na foto! Se quiserem ver umas fotos tiradas por ele:

Quem quiser saber mais da barreira, pode clicar aqui:

Beijos com carinho da X

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Winter Vacation

Não me perguntem quando, nem como, nem o por quê, mas eu fiquei um mês de férias nos EUA e no Canadá. Sim, fui passar frio do outro lado do mundo. Vi neve pela primeira vez na vida; fiz guerra de tanta felicidade!! E amei o Canadá!!

Os pontos altos da viagem foram o jogo de hockey dos Giants e o Skyline, uma espécie de tirolesa na neve (tem 2 vídeos que ilustram bem a experiência). Nesse dia estava -8º C, eu nunca vou me esquecer...

Vídeos do Skyline:

Fotos aqui:

Walk Against Warming

No dia 11 de novembro de 2007, 115 mil pessoas marcharam contra o aquecimento global na Austrália. Em Sydney foram 30 mil, incluindo eu, Thá e Denis. O engraçado foi que tinha australiano protestanto contra tudo: contra o Bush, contra o Howard, contra a indústria de carvão e por aí vai....

Queria dizer também que os aussies são bem amigos do meio ambiente. Vão para o supermercado com suas sacolinhas de pano; todas as privadas tem botões separados para número 1 e número 2; os eletrodomésticos vêm com etiquetas classificando o consumo de energia e de água; e a coleta seletiva de lixo é feita em grande escala. E o Kevin Rudd, assim que assumiu, ratificou o Protocolo de Kyoto! Good on him!

Apesar do sol e do calor, não perdemos o bom humor e, para variar, fizemos vídeos e tiramos fotos. Have fun!

Sao 3 vídeos rápidos:

E as fotos estão aqui:


Beijos da X!

Cinema em Sydney + Novos Filmes

Antes de comentar mais alguns filmes, queria apenas compartilhar um fato sensacional de uma rede de cinemas aqui da Austrália: nas salas do "Dendy Cinemas", o Espaço Unibanco aussie, são vendidas bebidas alcoólicas e as pessoas podem entrar na sala de cinema com suas tacinhas de vinho. Sem contar que, independentemente do dia, do horário e do filme, nunca tem fila. NUNCA!!

Por outro lado, o Dendy, apesar de alternativo, deixa um pouco a desejar nos filmes que passa. Queria muito que eles aumentassem a quantidade de filmes europeus! Anyway, fizemos este filminho! Vejam, é bem curto!!!

Filmes vistos por mim recentemente:

Atonement (Desejo e Reparação) : sensacional, talvez o melhor drama que vi até agora aqui!

Death at a Funeral (Morte no Funeral): uma comédia imperdível!!!

2 days in Paris : começa bem, a idéia do filme é boa mas achei que ele desandou no final; é com a atriz de "Antes do Amanhecer" e os pais verdadeiros dela...

Lions for Lambs: recomendo mas não vou comentar!!

Bee Movie: lindinho!!

Enchanted (Encantada): eu a a Thais saimos do cinema cantarolando...

I am Legend (Eu sou a Lenda): eu o Dario concluimos que o nome do filme tem a ver com o Bob Marley!! Estamos certos?

P.S. I love you: triste mas tem uma mensagem bonita

Aguardo comentários: sempre!!!